So, what motivates you?
It’s a huge question. I’m exploring the subject of exercise motivation with the hope that I can find a magical answer! It’s the key to getting fit, healthy and happy.
I’m like you, some days I don’t feel like exercising, some days I don’t feel that good about myself, some days I don’t want to get out of bed. What motivates me to train is purely the knowledge that exercise always makes me feel better.
I love the freedom of exercising outdoors. I love the mental space and the release of movement. I feel strong and alive and I love the sense of achievement after a long cycle or run and the well-earned indulgence of a cup of tea at the end. I like to feel fit enough to enjoy these moments and that desire helps motivate me to exercise in the gym or studio.
As we adapt to online training, staying motivated is the key to training or not. It requires more strength of mind, it’s so easy not to train, after all there’s always something else to do. But if you do the training there’s no better feeling, you’ve worked, challenged yourself to get the exercise done and achieved just that, this is a good result. We’re all motivated differently so it’s an interesting concept.
I put this to the beachfitclub.com members and had the most overwhelming answers. Clearly it is something we question, maybe fleetingly, maybe all the time. It’s good to think, it’s even better to act! I loved reading my members’ answers so much that I think I will print them out and put on my fridge door, for an extra boost! Here are just a few –
Blue skies, sunny days, chocolate cake, champagne, feeling fit, a new dress, beautifully fitted jeans, feeling healthy, feeling energised, feeling strong, feeling confident, feeling relaxed… So many interesting answers.
Generally everyone knows the benefits of exercise, people know that it leaves them feeling good, feeling fit, strong and confident. However these are long term motivations, and definitely great to have but we also need lots of short term motivations to get to the long term. I quizzed Performance Coach to CEO’s and top executives Steve Davies, [email protected] who makes a great point “Part of the challenge with exercise is you have to do the hard bit first and only get the reward of satisfaction and endorphin rush after you have finished. So start small – maybe 20 minutes and easy to get off the mark, you will get to the reward point quickly and that will make you more inclined to go again next time.”
Here’s what I think helps.
- If you’re working from home, getting dressed into your workout kit first thing in the morning is a great place to start.
- Schedule your workout or diarise a session or the class you intend joining. This helps make sure you can get to it!
- Is there anything that will get in the way of doing the session? If life gets in the way, try to reschedule your exercise and make sure you get it done.
- Sticking to a plan is half the battle and getting into a routine is key, training your mind as well as your body.
If you can achieve these four things you will feel great and you will get fit.
Joining the live online classes at www.beachfitclub.com are a great way to get started. They’re a real leveller, you feel supported within the community of like minded people, and you can have your camera on or off, either way you’ll feel connected and accountable. I think if you can start with a few live sessions under your belt you’ll instantly feel the benefit to your body and mind. If you miss a session, just catch up online with the classes in the members library.
The best thing is to jump straight in and do a session. You’ll understand the layout and what’s expected then do a second session, then another, get three sessions done and your in! You’ll feel your body working, getting stronger. Just keep going and you’ll feel taller, your posture will improve, you’ll feel more energised, more confident and you’re achieving something everyday! Steve Davies agrees “Just as it’s hard to get rid of a bad habit, good habits tend to persist once you have established them. Set yourself a challenge. So many bigger things are out of our control at the moment, having a specific target that you are in control of can focus your mind and feel satisfying!”
You’ve challenged yourself, you’ve stuck to the plan, you’ve done what you wanted to do. Same again tomorrow!
5 weeks to Christmas!
I know Christmas may well be different for many of us this year. I’d love you to join me and my www.beachfitclub.com members on our Christmas special. Become a member and challenge yourself to get two HIIT sessions and one Yoga class done every week from now until Christmas.